Preparing for a Payments Audit
Financial institutions and payment processors undergo payment audits annually. While each payment channel has its own audit requirements, much of the requested documentation is similar. This webinar examines the audit requirements for ACH, Wire, Remote Deposit Capture, and RTP® and discusses what you can expect throughout the audit process. Join us for this immersive experience and set yourself up for success in audit season. Consider also viewing our companion webinar, Top 10 Audit Findings and How to Avoid Them, to better position your institution for the upcoming audit season.

Please note that on-demand courses remain available for 90 calendar days after your registration is processed. Unlimited viewing is allowed within the 90-day period. Once the 90 days have passed, ePayU subscribers accessing Subscriber Content can simply re-register for the course at no charge and begin it again. If you are accessing Premium Content or are not an ePayU subscriber, you must pay an additional registration fee to access a course again after the original 90-day period.

AAP/APRP: Up to 1.2

Item Number - LMSR1015

Discounted member price: 245.00
You could save: 50.5%

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